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A Reminder to Local Producers

Updated: May 10, 2022

A reminder to local producers that spraying and cultivation within developed municipal road allowances is prohibited by this municipality’s Roads Bylaw.

Instances of chemical damage to the grass within municipal road allowances when the adjacent crop is being sprayed for weeds are a cause for concern. Grass within the road allowance serves to inhibit the growth of weeds, and the overspraying of herbicides onto the road allowance reduces this benefit. (The municipality will, however, continue to permit the seeding and spraying of road allowances along dirt roads where there are no ditches.)

Another serious issue to note is where road allowances are cultivated right up to or into the slope of the road. This practice compromises the integrity of the roadbed, and over time will result in slumping that will require costly road repairs. Municipal staff has

DRAFTJS_BLOCK_KEY:dhk00A reminder to local producers that spraying and cultivation within developed municipal road allowances is prohibited by this municipality’s Roads Bylaw.

been instructed not to mow around any crops seeded within the municipality’s road allowance.

Any person who engages in these prohibited practices is liable for the damage caused and will be required to reimburse the municipality for the costs of repairing it.

If you have any questions, please contact the councillor for your division or call the municipal office at (306) 354-1033.

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