What to Know Before Collecting Leafy Spurge Beetles:
Where do you plan to release the beetles?
Beetles will not survive long once collected and packaged and must be released within 24-48 hours for best survival rates, so it is important to have a spot picked out in advance.
The PHOs keep a record of beetle releases and will have release forms for you to take, fill out, and return after you release your beetles.
Do you have a suitable release site?
Leafy spurge infestation of more than 12 acres per quarter section of land.
Leafy spurge present in areas where herbicide application is not possible (e.g. environmentally sensitive areas).
What are the ideal conditions for collecting beetles?
Hot days (above 22°C) and calm weather.
Beetles are normally collected during the hottest part of the day, as this is when the beetles are most active and in the top portion of the leafy spurge plant.
How long will it take to collect beetles?
In ideal weather conditions, collecting 2500-3000 beetles will take an hour of walking and sweeping with nets.
For more information, contact the SARM Division 2 PHO: Joanne Kwasnicki (306) 541-8437 or joanne.kwasnicki@gmail.com.